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QR Code of address 4NvFkTD4M4pGYTDfVe1tYttDMxGKBER8Ja

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 135.632505
Balance: 0.000000

67.000000 from 4GsPQqqG9CRFhoPB4s3d1X6jzKMQjNhrsT (TX)
67.018188 from 4GsPQqqG9CRFhoPB4s3d1X6jzKMQjNhrsT (TX)
67.810000 from 4NvFkTD4M4pGYTDfVe1tYttDMxGKBER8Ja (TX)
67.822505 from 4NvFkTD4M4pGYTDfVe1tYttDMxGKBER8Ja (TX)
55.500000 from 4YszQiTiVGQWGYyQDHpkChxRgYahsuvJHo (TX)
53.928036 from 4PNMBiQbYErtjN1JuJH5KFRHD6HkKaaHVv (TX)

4TrxZdC9dLPzqqB8NGtmuwrAF3MpiLxWSq with 379.078729

Sent: 129.280000
Balance: 135.632505

129.280000 from 4NvFkTD4M4pGYTDfVe1tYttDMxGKBER8Ja (TX)
187.670587 from 4JVeQT1zrxwxUXJ25wnTxmp9NhFBzWLmz2 (TX)

4K5BFCUBxurk9Cw9xBqQELJjkTD1xiT2pq with 316.950587

Generation: 6.348331
Balance: 264.912505

129.284174 from 4NvFkTD4M4pGYTDfVe1tYttDMxGKBER8Ja (TX)

4NvFkTD4M4pGYTDfVe1tYttDMxGKBER8Ja with 67.810000
4NvFkTD4M4pGYTDfVe1tYttDMxGKBER8Ja with 67.822505

Generation: 8.564174
Balance: 258.564174

250.000000 from 4NvFkTD4M4pGYTDfVe1tYttDMxGKBER8Ja (TX)

4NvFkTD4M4pGYTDfVe1tYttDMxGKBER8Ja with 129.280000
4NvFkTD4M4pGYTDfVe1tYttDMxGKBER8Ja with 129.284174

Received: 250.000000
Balance: 250.000000

999.920000 from 4HN5Re9Pw7ewvzJxd97imJdy57Bm93AFeo (TX)

4UqjF35Mq5iL8nChRhhzuJTTwqfFBgRW7U with 749.910000
4NvFkTD4M4pGYTDfVe1tYttDMxGKBER8Ja with 250.000000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg