Community announcements

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Total balance6.200000
Current balance6.200000
New coins 0.000000
Unspent outputs with CoinAge Statistics
QRCode of address | QRCode of link to address

QR Code of address 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
Show by: 50 100 150 200 250 or find by   ASCDESC
Generation: 6.200000
Balance: 6.200000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 6.200000

Sent: 5.900000
Balance: 0.000000

0.115795 from 4XXtovuypYTzg15WkNsWKTnAhy37ua7YZm (TX)
0.018544 from 4H83RTfES2iSU1M3A82LBMceZAHitj2pyb (TX)
5.900000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)

4Fohr2vTh8XvJ4SWvcUYTjHLfDL5KRX4KX with 0.017995
4aPjWdoUm9ggpWfFvvwjNfZiZF7jk3b8ai with 6.015344

Sent: 11.833000
Balance: 5.900000

5.921000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)
5.912000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)

4XXtovuypYTzg15WkNsWKTnAhy37ua7YZm with 0.115795
4aPjWdoUm9ggpWfFvvwjNfZiZF7jk3b8ai with 11.716205

Sent: 6.050000
Balance: 17.733000

6.050000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)
0.011787 from 4Sy11zLsUZzsxpzqyj2eSrccfC4XncsFEt (TX)

4H83RTfES2iSU1M3A82LBMceZAHitj2pyb with 0.018544
4aPjWdoUm9ggpWfFvvwjNfZiZF7jk3b8ai with 6.042243

Generation: 5.900000
Balance: 23.783000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 5.900000

Generation: 5.912000
Balance: 17.883000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 5.912000

Generation: 5.921000
Balance: 11.971000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 5.921000

Generation: 6.050000
Balance: 6.050000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 6.050000

Sent: 5.710000
Balance: 0.000000

5.710000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)
0.105937 from 4crmFnWU4ykm4kSVgA3i77mv3Ay1UtHCbu (TX)

4ZRxA99qTazNZ1VSsERHVwiSnhRJEKzUvk with 0.103767
4aPjWdoUm9ggpWfFvvwjNfZiZF7jk3b8ai with 5.711170

Generation: 5.710000
Balance: 5.710000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 5.710000

Sent: 5.810000
Balance: 0.000000

5.810000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)
0.114390 from 4W2B7SZJNKzCxVrv9MbCM56GAujvDWM5rM (TX)

4crmFnWU4ykm4kSVgA3i77mv3Ay1UtHCbu with 0.105937
4aPjWdoUm9ggpWfFvvwjNfZiZF7jk3b8ai with 5.817453

Sent: 6.112000
Balance: 5.810000

0.235049 from 4bh2X6EqY2tZZ2fxrtfnBUpu6Fnjnzgf33 (TX)
6.112000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)

4W2B7SZJNKzCxVrv9MbCM56GAujvDWM5rM with 0.114390
4aPjWdoUm9ggpWfFvvwjNfZiZF7jk3b8ai with 6.231659

Generation: 5.810000
Balance: 11.922000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 5.810000

Sent: 12.380000
Balance: 6.112000

6.220000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)
6.160000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)

4bh2X6EqY2tZZ2fxrtfnBUpu6Fnjnzgf33 with 0.235049
4aPjWdoUm9ggpWfFvvwjNfZiZF7jk3b8ai with 12.143951

Generation: 6.112000
Balance: 18.492000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 6.112000

Generation: 6.160000
Balance: 12.380000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 6.160000

Generation: 6.220000
Balance: 6.220000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 6.220000

Sent: 31.885000
Balance: 0.000000

6.270000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)
6.330000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)
6.520000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)
6.484000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)
6.281000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)

4FZndmxAR9RCXzo8fbi59uoQuCnYBByCHt with 0.506896
4aPjWdoUm9ggpWfFvvwjNfZiZF7jk3b8ai with 31.377104

Sent: 6.540000
Balance: 31.885000

0.132657 from 4b6Rx6jBsEQn7hHoo3i2EuSsSixQ4rnaPk (TX)
6.540000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)

4aqBPqyn3oM9JYcGYndBchXaphLsvTpsJs with 0.132453
4aPjWdoUm9ggpWfFvvwjNfZiZF7jk3b8ai with 6.539204

Generation: 6.270000
Balance: 38.425000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 6.270000

Generation: 6.281000
Balance: 32.155000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 6.281000

Generation: 6.330000
Balance: 25.874000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 6.330000

Generation: 6.484000
Balance: 19.544000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 6.484000

Generation: 6.520000
Balance: 13.060000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 6.520000

Generation: 6.540000
Balance: 6.540000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 6.540000

Sent: 6.550000
Balance: 0.000000

0.132836 from 4TTedvw7qN1dKGvWQwZMgaC4P3dZfdz2jQ (TX)
6.550000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)

4b6Rx6jBsEQn7hHoo3i2EuSsSixQ4rnaPk with 0.132657
4aPjWdoUm9ggpWfFvvwjNfZiZF7jk3b8ai with 6.549179

Sent: 6.560000
Balance: 6.550000

6.560000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)
0.131800 from 4ZBQwTjwGjwTn1vAvrnE1q3HCSLMQGb52P (TX)

4TTedvw7qN1dKGvWQwZMgaC4P3dZfdz2jQ with 0.132836
4aPjWdoUm9ggpWfFvvwjNfZiZF7jk3b8ai with 6.557964

Generation: 6.550000
Balance: 13.110000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 6.550000

Generation: 6.560000
Balance: 6.560000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 6.560000

Sent: 6.640000
Balance: 0.000000

6.640000 from 4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 (TX)

4ZBQwTjwGjwTn1vAvrnE1q3HCSLMQGb52P with 0.131800
4aPjWdoUm9ggpWfFvvwjNfZiZF7jk3b8ai with 6.507200

Generation: 6.640000
Balance: 6.640000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4GxkhSB58XUCjediAP5T4jmZuKqTBfufj9 with 6.640000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg