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Total balance5.137120
Current balance5.137120
New coins 0.000000
Unspent outputs with CoinAge Statistics
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QR Code of address 4cz8bERMS2y4tF7qLicAPGb6pS6gYzyMn8

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 1.714335
Balance: 5.137120

27.353874 from 4QLpPYQbBsqBXA7UweBzvbrxYCGT5ush56 (TX)
0.034786 from 4L5cXEgzVX7QUYG2dVFu8V7yCe6ySPUpQf (TX)
1.714335 from 4cz8bERMS2y4tF7qLicAPGb6pS6gYzyMn8 (TX)
0.000743 from 4MrDyAQwRFBUFtNZyibZkphSvSvPMQ6wgh (TX)
0.003401 from 4MrDyAQwRFBUFtNZyibZkphSvSvPMQ6wgh (TX)

4Qs8UjvQSHwxMG6ntzbSVfNYorNT8k8BnY with 0.010001
4RipxMWmttsyZtZtYPiJVgA9Y5awJqM6GB with 29.095138

Sent: 1.614765
Balance: 6.851455

1.614765 from 4cz8bERMS2y4tF7qLicAPGb6pS6gYzyMn8 (TX)
9.995700 from 4GLYcoUMD4hLjK2WEcb44axBmUAbnryPdF (TX)
0.011445 from 4YxKZpCXZeHRfAo8BxkuYkskk36jBEsi7y (TX)
0.010076 from 4RPr5ZHqTWiQYCDpRXJ8EAWMdEGe7QcJp5 (TX)

4akiEBf7iXWLTUFDW7M6rstZqeVeG8KZcj with 0.010070
4KwutCbKvGfsLHkMEVBVxbee1uBCPhQdGM with 11.619916

Received: 2.195714
Balance: 8.466220

2.404665 from 4RiTeWhkgotWig9N77guWHimsz7XLLNLDq (TX)

4ZzStCg56cXshwDU9Xp4VGGEeo81yLLgpg with 0.207951
4cz8bERMS2y4tF7qLicAPGb6pS6gYzyMn8 with 2.195714

Received: 1.714335
Balance: 6.270506

4.120000 from 4Ti8m3HBCCekgYaNSxrSuukxFxzPMLjQrS (TX)

4RiTeWhkgotWig9N77guWHimsz7XLLNLDq with 2.404665
4cz8bERMS2y4tF7qLicAPGb6pS6gYzyMn8 with 1.714335

Received: 1.167490
Balance: 4.556171

2.335084 from 4ThCtLZ2xGZPG8e5kPJRWpQuzWVSHfSXLJ (TX)

4QmnaotLfgrUH7KAii1ukGLttuby7ReyMp with 1.166594
4cz8bERMS2y4tF7qLicAPGb6pS6gYzyMn8 with 1.167490

Received: 1.773916
Balance: 3.388681

4.110000 from 4Ti8m3HBCCekgYaNSxrSuukxFxzPMLjQrS (TX)

4ThCtLZ2xGZPG8e5kPJRWpQuzWVSHfSXLJ with 2.335084
4cz8bERMS2y4tF7qLicAPGb6pS6gYzyMn8 with 1.773916

Received: 1.614765
Balance: 1.614765

3.352350 from 4VU8WrzfDxN4yG54D8XBFSY82G4Ka3dcM9 (TX)

4cz8bERMS2y4tF7qLicAPGb6pS6gYzyMn8 with 1.614765
4U23evufN9H9CeShRyuTRq7dQ1Hf519yiE with 1.595070
4LarvrGHFz2nwtkhYTuqdsFgb4TZS3gPKL with 0.141515

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg