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Total balance12139.000000
Current balance12139.000000
New coins 0.000000
Unspent outputs with CoinAge Statistics
QRCode of address | QRCode of link to address

QR Code of address 4csbZ7bStEBayr1QEfqn85C7pJBqzsvYU2

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Received: 2985.000000
Balance: 12139.000000

315.296800 from 4KoDx2znxQs5vEKAoWsUc4yJAy9ZDB4Uw3 (TX)
121.260000 from 4KoDx2znxQs5vEKAoWsUc4yJAy9ZDB4Uw3 (TX)
249.997900 from 4GmeTTftKKp1CV4DNvnibdCT6DpdiLizPM (TX)
297.507900 from 4MrMNp1x7GgGNEPALA4UcnYgayQPETgb8Y (TX)
2001.000000 from 4H9sCHHTQbmWTJz6VYCnU1TMgQnWtMG3ez (TX)

4TWUnmCveRYiM6fkrUFrAmAVcXfi9YXKF7 with 0.061600
4csbZ7bStEBayr1QEfqn85C7pJBqzsvYU2 with 2985.000000

Received: 8955.000000
Balance: 9154.000000

75.488093 from 4ZzhurB4yCpHkKefTrhDKteQVHzZEpoPF3 (TX)
5000.000000 from 4ShHmJn6jR7WGV1NwJPtXgmBiJdarq4npd (TX)
3019.752600 from 4LmCEw8BS8FykxugboVCqDhzG4gUtUMLfr (TX)
7.179911 from 4W7mYAc4EMHvSYtpJC2zTYfkkCGiTpo3ob (TX)
854.151754 from 4Gxs4qRJC1QLSddVDY43aXznUYEeSW8K4v (TX)

4GMLDYbBmK5icrM7HViX5QTZLtjbTAjbWS with 1.571358
4csbZ7bStEBayr1QEfqn85C7pJBqzsvYU2 with 8955.000000

Received: 199.000000
Balance: 199.000000

199.998000 from 4GmeTTftKKp1CV4DNvnibdCT6DpdiLizPM (TX)

4WrRK8dXQwQfsfxSXKhGvwscLfr1V9GCyL with 0.997000
4csbZ7bStEBayr1QEfqn85C7pJBqzsvYU2 with 199.000000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg