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Total balance912.361329
Current balance912.361329
New coins 0.000000
Unspent outputs with CoinAge Statistics
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QR Code of address 4cnJmpFXfVTSJvW5VoYGwYymhgKi8nheYx

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Received: 504.129440
Balance: 912.361329

500.000000 from 4H9sCHHTQbmWTJz6VYCnU1TMgQnWtMG3ez (TX)
0.451564 from 4TUWL8eTrPordSNcNkA4rwZqBVafDKPTZW (TX)
3.678150 from 4DiPqc4TCfE8vjqwG4MX6n6khuTyrXoxRH (TX)
0.011403 from 4Fi1pVuycTsrQtwSS4KhkQH4GqkhXqRcNw (TX)

4VLzGctxk1JTWi6GNU98sMQSv478UtiAua with 0.010677
4cnJmpFXfVTSJvW5VoYGwYymhgKi8nheYx with 504.129440

Received: 407.236889
Balance: 408.231889

0.010003 from 4cvTbs2V7wHnk6DHZs9pWZeWexcUBbrc4t (TX)
27.029958 from 4GZhFsgXQ7NaTdvJByj9rLtSSaFU9vNs6U (TX)
26.480049 from 4GZhFsgXQ7NaTdvJByj9rLtSSaFU9vNs6U (TX)
12.206802 from 4QbF8GrdDZMPXdBmKa9xFMv6CkGRL5fGaX (TX)
25.553512 from 4GZhFsgXQ7NaTdvJByj9rLtSSaFU9vNs6U (TX)
38.365637 from 4GZhFsgXQ7NaTdvJByj9rLtSSaFU9vNs6U (TX)
26.009875 from 4GZhFsgXQ7NaTdvJByj9rLtSSaFU9vNs6U (TX)
80.423123 from 4WAFCYcVUfuLAiHVSPzQ7jrLLJtZ76bojv (TX)
26.836989 from 4GZhFsgXQ7NaTdvJByj9rLtSSaFU9vNs6U (TX)
57.000000 from 4Jhf7AJhSg7ekgYBWJs8gjTbrABoN3xUdp (TX)
34.400432 from 4GZhFsgXQ7NaTdvJByj9rLtSSaFU9vNs6U (TX)
26.895829 from 4GZhFsgXQ7NaTdvJByj9rLtSSaFU9vNs6U (TX)
26.024088 from 4GZhFsgXQ7NaTdvJByj9rLtSSaFU9vNs6U (TX)
0.013594 from 4cx8DyGRfrWCWWcJwyCja7BJxiZkCCDAis (TX)

4SCrDbhxusKnuWweX8nBVeeSBtfHL9tgdK with 0.010002
4cnJmpFXfVTSJvW5VoYGwYymhgKi8nheYx with 407.236889

Received: 0.995000
Balance: 0.995000

1.009594 from 4RY7dAEXCFqUd5gRcU9n2KtynbRsfnvMuL (TX)

4cx8DyGRfrWCWWcJwyCja7BJxiZkCCDAis with 0.013594
4cnJmpFXfVTSJvW5VoYGwYymhgKi8nheYx with 0.995000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg