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Sent: 34.608616 Balance: 0.000000 | |
34.608616 from 4bxcq24KS9YxrpP2z8at62v6Zc6bydmBz1 (TX) 1.060011 from 4HMLB4bNsp6gPuRZRxXRjAb89kAJfGWPTp (TX) | 4LtpAMVEHFofBHDdH6pzdkeQKh4ssNVNdM with 0.010073 4H25SgjQo1jnD6ogkybjTRV15GAZ4VWV3H with 35.656554 |
Generation: 2.512577 Balance: 34.608616 | |
32.096039 from 4bxcq24KS9YxrpP2z8at62v6Zc6bydmBz1 (TX) | 4bxcq24KS9YxrpP2z8at62v6Zc6bydmBz1 with 34.608616 |
Received: 32.096039 Balance: 32.096039 | |
32.096039 from 4V1YwwoZZ3iE3v8HJA5JvPSQtpJt2XppDf (TX) | 4bxcq24KS9YxrpP2z8at62v6Zc6bydmBz1 with 32.096039 |
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