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QR Code of address 4bSE1Qrd4J9ttKuQfZbPuN1Sz7kHJBY7sJ

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 103.900000
Balance: 0.000000

103.900000 from 4bSE1Qrd4J9ttKuQfZbPuN1Sz7kHJBY7sJ (TX)

4PBndc6Vii3jPp8w7XnmFhtEfqXSJ9Gx9U with 23.900000
4REPZf1bUu8MgnL45TSidtSURZyQyneY34 with 80.000000

Received: 103.900000
Balance: 103.900000

196.024025 from 4VQmyZyCH7BMnaEK4ohZXNCgK1mJY7yVnV (TX)

4Xnto5yn5nd1nT8Ep8LB4aj6dHqPbBfE5B with 92.123025
4bSE1Qrd4J9ttKuQfZbPuN1Sz7kHJBY7sJ with 103.900000

Sent: 124.900000
Balance: 0.000000

124.900000 from 4bSE1Qrd4J9ttKuQfZbPuN1Sz7kHJBY7sJ (TX)

4WgPuvZBLDQ96C5DrZjbgmKxuBMKnuSgCv with 0.900000
4WqEnKBXVxcvb89qqJoxFJBTyLhoXnSr4N with 124.000000

Received: 124.900000
Balance: 124.900000

825.000000 from 4SZUtXF6vC11xT3hi6jPte8AMrPdykWneB (TX)

4X1Sm1b4jfk5ZKPqcwkSUyBAA2dkq17ba8 with 700.099000
4bSE1Qrd4J9ttKuQfZbPuN1Sz7kHJBY7sJ with 124.900000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg