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Total balance0.000000
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QR Code of address 4ZmqBt9rnKHgNmwzZypyRdFPT4fyKTZxKi

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 0.630672
Balance: 0.000000

1.600000 from 4LAfTy6jL8NTNAZNtQhFEay1Jmc51d8Csn (TX)
1268.300000 from 4ZEVYzMnnawr9HhncnnzPB5KQYxrLs6QDp (TX)
389.063000 from 4Zi5pwddMPtZmJkRL24EC8i7bhEade1eN1 (TX)
147.663073 from 4Zi5pwddMPtZmJkRL24EC8i7bhEade1eN1 (TX)
148.071978 from 4Ty2UVR9NtigfCed28vw8fAmjBDdFm8F2n (TX)
15.604880 from 4KLyma6Ng9e5bE4uVA28G3HWGWD377Y6Ep (TX)
0.033862 from 4YvA7ZnmKShjQqZBtZL6KoxahQqkfWuBkB (TX)
0.630672 from 4ZmqBt9rnKHgNmwzZypyRdFPT4fyKTZxKi (TX)
0.011242 from 4cK5Mf7KhKP8uW3KrJiTCF6w3mxprhTdqj (TX)
28.824543 from 4ENSeCsDsK6MY2Yg8PXve5dfjQdSPLMvAA (TX)
0.099000 from 4SQrdEf3eENjuMzHkNKYUCytqab86UUa7i (TX)
0.018686 from 4XojUdXnV7eTJ4N2FRNAetmAAZpgXZqTiE (TX)

4aLqXfZcjBcPUB1c64MQUCB2aNiGUCMH7Y with 0.018936
4WQipNsgabEbJP14BdbssDC8xNKptLQnin with 1999.900000

Received: 0.630672
Balance: 0.630672

10.000000 from 4PiyHRAE888N8ZnL6P6w435W6T3P6QdYGh (TX)
4.684820 from 4YSc9MhQuaWyYMqD5ZpMyAJsnByqNRUqQt (TX)

4ZmqBt9rnKHgNmwzZypyRdFPT4fyKTZxKi with 0.630672
4QLiuqDEegm41CPLqEMStmZiHhg6gHQddm with 14.053148

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg