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QR Code of address 4ZfetESDdwVv7K9J8fsSCB4mDQn8qrNDCp

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 0.010235
Balance: 0.000000

20.546604 from 4GZhFsgXQ7NaTdvJByj9rLtSSaFU9vNs6U (TX)
0.010235 from 4ZfetESDdwVv7K9J8fsSCB4mDQn8qrNDCp (TX)
182.000000 from 4ENq2RvJ4DVoASCZc5wtB2BxCfpEnzGZ3n (TX)
276.914580 from 4LDj4ex2HLq7DYY7KktqEpDj78cYULxNU1 (TX)
1140.000000 from 4ZWa7tJQXd3dLFeTkr163gjE9Qbxqa2nJn (TX)
51.094915 from 4DrqXPZDY6Bqm8exEFSE5oD95pQGaizBjE (TX)

4HvELqn7RsN4Z8EGVFnMxsmBv6o2TRvh8p with 0.010027
4VbZPfnpy6sQj8WMR4RbvDwSgrWxiphvH9 with 1670.555307

Received: 0.010235
Balance: 0.010235

0.010002 from 4FQiXLFFC7WNz9uzqh6XTp1gKvwz5U5emG (TX)
8.399049 from 4TUWL8eTrPordSNcNkA4rwZqBVafDKPTZW (TX)
40.657296 from 4H37qDNtNVWDD7dXNHUa2CvCop2rRyuxCW (TX)
0.944888 from 4FLQ8LJHPMSx6m9XgfXHwhNY7eG13NYcP5 (TX)

4ZfetESDdwVv7K9J8fsSCB4mDQn8qrNDCp with 0.010235
4UHtzQFvXTBBajBuRR6T1sa9JvXFRuaZLH with 50.000000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg