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Total balance1.000000
Current balance1.000000
New coins 0.000000
Unspent outputs with CoinAge Statistics
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QR Code of address 4YcxgyWPSUhiU2UfBqbUrEk1Ca6pyBzzAW

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Received: 1.000000
Balance: 1.000000

27.250000 from 4cJ13QNAErZ4buP7t3Rc73tMupRWieyaK8 (TX)
27.254724 from 4cJ13QNAErZ4buP7t3Rc73tMupRWieyaK8 (TX)
25.320000 from 4T5cp7xSQo4VqZMpBE39urBbS6RcfDkdCf (TX)
25.335517 from 4T5cp7xSQo4VqZMpBE39urBbS6RcfDkdCf (TX)
17.790000 from 4MsGkuMPebpAYwzD5bEcczSwTcQ1adMsD7 (TX)
17.803180 from 4MsGkuMPebpAYwzD5bEcczSwTcQ1adMsD7 (TX)

4YcxgyWPSUhiU2UfBqbUrEk1Ca6pyBzzAW with 1.000000
4cBPdaLPitGx2WzfSHiQFaXWNujT8jz9Mr with 45.743421
4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg with 1.000000
4ZdbmbnXXhTMwLFNVGEyAPXhKkyYKBYg8m with 45.000000
4GuPsmCLQHivcFXScXunwj5NPA3DfwLLhT with 47.000000
4LhBrppWQTCwNPGKF1taM7HU7RRPoxqbKC with 1.000000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg