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QR Code of address 4XKJAUyKrvQ7AgaX2DXgo7DoSamp5RJvkY

  Transactions list:

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Sent: 0.013069
Balance: 0.000000

4.590000 from 4ZWn5WHTt9KsMjd6BMFhX9Qt7eaVwevvJj (TX)
0.013069 from 4XKJAUyKrvQ7AgaX2DXgo7DoSamp5RJvkY (TX)

4b7uTPfeT5D9oW65Nadzag5avoKfrsCe9H with 0.016461
4QQoacRfs1Q69nPPkdcdGnjDjpLrQyoqBL with 4.585608

Received: 0.013069
Balance: 0.013069

4.600000 from 4ZWn5WHTt9KsMjd6BMFhX9Qt7eaVwevvJj (TX)
4.600000 from 4ZWn5WHTt9KsMjd6BMFhX9Qt7eaVwevvJj (TX)
4.590000 from 4ZWn5WHTt9KsMjd6BMFhX9Qt7eaVwevvJj (TX)
4.600000 from 4ZWn5WHTt9KsMjd6BMFhX9Qt7eaVwevvJj (TX)
0.012590 from 4Us9B9FajRBNcie753gC1WWtVyp9VkwB4h (TX)
4.600000 from 4ZWn5WHTt9KsMjd6BMFhX9Qt7eaVwevvJj (TX)
4.601000 from 4ZWn5WHTt9KsMjd6BMFhX9Qt7eaVwevvJj (TX)

4XKJAUyKrvQ7AgaX2DXgo7DoSamp5RJvkY with 0.013069
4QQoacRfs1Q69nPPkdcdGnjDjpLrQyoqBL with 27.589521

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