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QR Code of address 4WDF9iDZjLVthJmmkWnaaXYUHvzCXq2rPw

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 0.919406
Balance: 0.000000

0.919406 from 4WDF9iDZjLVthJmmkWnaaXYUHvzCXq2rPw (TX)

4a4yvRmXmjaTHavjbcjxVQhrMWhhbNpmQe with 0.760964
4QtXoq9BL2SyXMoUFhPJZhEcDU7UjCGRX9 with 0.148442

Received: 0.919406
Balance: 0.919406

2.156976 from 4PVAutRjBKwZkbL7QTKZanzeJV5pvHY1Sr (TX)

4QktKaA3vYUntKnHrhkj4W4AoD3686tAJM with 1.227570
4WDF9iDZjLVthJmmkWnaaXYUHvzCXq2rPw with 0.919406

Sent: 0.718410
Balance: 0.000000

0.403820 from 4Xrhc8VSdc64hH4SRRcdLegnC9dMmWR7MB (TX)
0.718410 from 4WDF9iDZjLVthJmmkWnaaXYUHvzCXq2rPw (TX)
1.067859 from 4UFEpjQEyeZTQDSmT6ZF5XHDcby1qrDJdR (TX)
3.145813 from 4HE84Qzhe58ZEq84DomLzRiy2dnzDZexZj (TX)
0.015709 from 4Dsbvi98cbY7zTbsFMozzqt5T41JM9VhfC (TX)
0.117195 from 4VkwXPoqMPp1AchoGGQfQp7kTErwhprWVp (TX)
0.502378 from 4Gb669cEigVeRF1UnteeSLcjoZiPMrEHhV (TX)
0.058961 from 4XMQkTCvwMmmZWcwb3G76CpxyqfRTrCvCD (TX)

4NuCLVi5rG77JfjNnEUErEXzBRD55bwZDP with 0.010145
4Rp3ESWyRULb5cKJcU1tMTzwrKDDi7MTB5 with 6.000000

Received: 0.718410
Balance: 0.718410

5.082174 from 4Ee4DS3fHiBvZ4Q6ahGq7KVSh57EMfUkh1 (TX)

4KeLdDoZsfkxHz1WoaHTmXRqaKDCiczpbY with 4.353764
4WDF9iDZjLVthJmmkWnaaXYUHvzCXq2rPw with 0.718410

Sent: 1.283331
Balance: 0.000000

1.283331 from 4SZ7UHd1MuQSxbQr5aBiQbRQ6P8yXGpKy4 (TX)
1.283331 from 4WDF9iDZjLVthJmmkWnaaXYUHvzCXq2rPw (TX)
1.000000 from 4LhBrppWQTCwNPGKF1taM7HU7RRPoxqbKC (TX)

4ZuxNUzxicphQYVLQZHc3mAUQT8rzhWwjS with 0.039503
4UG7DQnrbGXkGTFZJScM76dChnWvJzcPN7 with 3.517159

Received: 1.283331
Balance: 1.283331

3.478144 from 4HDLBpLwfWiz62hnnJESYP1ug4FkhPL4Bp (TX)

4NgxHFfaNuUnUG4f37BTrPibaUQpkQE6EW with 2.184813
4WDF9iDZjLVthJmmkWnaaXYUHvzCXq2rPw with 1.283331

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg