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QR Code of address 4R9CPHV1zJVP2v2x4vFBqw7utHWE2u1hQd

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 0.096301
Balance: 0.000000

150.000000 from 4WgQHhQzoD23v6GTe9FEVb1ii8Drfa2Uk6 (TX)
108.340291 from 4Xut4y7Tb7VgpsbGS5hEYrStaLP2yn1okb (TX)
690.650000 from 4cudVj442NrQg2x2y8K5StDQBcu1XS8c6z (TX)
34.323711 from 4VyrGzPZkqMnmsPCZtjkbk7Na4NQEjQHte (TX)
1.145179 from 4QbNQiw3HEN6YA4BkE5azcCMFveB5gsJmE (TX)
7.423567 from 4SZUtXF6vC11xT3hi6jPte8AMrPdykWneB (TX)
7.531614 from 4KKqu9dn7MDu1FEvnEs3NupxJdqLr4WQFc (TX)
0.501693 from 4ShuuLBUxXmqP1rqEenALF3qtqdtzEJQqa (TX)
0.096301 from 4R9CPHV1zJVP2v2x4vFBqw7utHWE2u1hQd (TX)

4ay9gwFbneVf2mpUAjxE4RQG9kizQwqMBU with 0.010356
4core8WbxA2NqmViu8JtyU4dRuUunzMKtu with 1000.000000

Received: 0.096301
Balance: 0.096301

1.344900 from 4VQGC3z2Cf3LxLndWWUE7FxYptFzhPsx1b (TX)
15.145516 from 4KKqu9dn7MDu1FEvnEs3NupxJdqLr4WQFc (TX)
0.506885 from 4ShuuLBUxXmqP1rqEenALF3qtqdtzEJQqa (TX)

4R9CPHV1zJVP2v2x4vFBqw7utHWE2u1hQd with 0.096301
4GftWZp9ZP92RhNJSzTNvHMxwAqJj7fL3H with 16.900000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg