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QR Code of address 4PYf5vPBTNNEaN378S6pEfhqHXZ7hd4zk3

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 0.214264
Balance: 0.000000

6.890000 from 4GxSWV49qFchJgrbr1jH113ga4KmnBsLDH (TX)
6.920000 from 4GxSWV49qFchJgrbr1jH113ga4KmnBsLDH (TX)
2.118021 from 4cB5suVYPnDhU5RzL5t5YYqg9CEZrNWmho (TX)
0.214264 from 4PYf5vPBTNNEaN378S6pEfhqHXZ7hd4zk3 (TX)
2.018001 from 4WymRDNKVXb7F5Eo4s4eB6TNZZJKzHKwpC (TX)
0.010844 from 4cnboqDLbRjcQgnSWWfmmjKQowd6mS2qCa (TX)
0.011246 from 4WFhSStSQ11y1V1SHA35hFrzTHS5FMS2GU (TX)
0.067867 from 4MzTpfUWJXvtwdPYS5Qssp3vjJGpfARjKW (TX)

4YyvYnqnngtjFQ8hsM35mf8btAfiajZtiV with 0.002000
4HgbA4v49kaa3yBTqZp7zs3NP7sfZcETyb with 18.245243

Received: 0.214264
Balance: 0.214264

1.519028 from 4VN6j2bsN5n5R3UQZgV4SE5FNKbuAjupRu (TX)
3.609958 from 4ZMnPWbHkUcfNLNhQKYooxaUWv2cyL2ZVD (TX)

4PYf5vPBTNNEaN378S6pEfhqHXZ7hd4zk3 with 0.214264
4SqAPLtC3HocNdagrYHgEuN6Tstm21qJCJ with 4.904722

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg