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QR Code of address 4PVZkXSFaMLxjvdEiRMxgdUvVSFbvVT25J

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 572.346845
Balance: 0.000000

572.346845 from 4PVZkXSFaMLxjvdEiRMxgdUvVSFbvVT25J (TX)

4MojW8FP7bTJvQLeb78HQZkSHq4jzFfAWF with 285.411073
4SNHzghFP4zE6FnutV5iEKT2sJEj1CRAR4 with 286.934772

Received: 572.346845
Balance: 572.346845

94.970000 from 4Rrgw8WdiHCcuytrZbHwLTgiuDuFA7womS (TX)
94.974574 from 4Rrgw8WdiHCcuytrZbHwLTgiuDuFA7womS (TX)
186.522489 from 4Rrgw8WdiHCcuytrZbHwLTgiuDuFA7womS (TX)
97.930000 from 4Rrgw8WdiHCcuytrZbHwLTgiuDuFA7womS (TX)
97.949782 from 4Rrgw8WdiHCcuytrZbHwLTgiuDuFA7womS (TX)

4PVZkXSFaMLxjvdEiRMxgdUvVSFbvVT25J with 572.346845

Sent: 77.234336
Balance: 0.000000

47.332765 from 4Sn8j1mZowYyXPuPBpXku1KHvFdsC2pnY2 (TX)
77.234336 from 4PVZkXSFaMLxjvdEiRMxgdUvVSFbvVT25J (TX)
32.802404 from 4UCG8dHDb9FmZTCJULrKs6jJ8ZLCDHH3ed (TX)

4bJUSHQPVqryB7bjGdSiPyV59xasLMNBi8 with 11.488505
4JPnamJ2PVxmNE1g9JYJ9V9Q2aSXA4CrEL with 145.880000

Sent: 133.378060
Balance: 77.234336

1.000000 from 4Juriq3ES4inpEGBmbxMnDwLt7NzCM43jm (TX)
2.084000 from 4PtNpcZUQTc1WCkHtnn7rBmJUN5w51Ebjq (TX)
133.378060 from 4PVZkXSFaMLxjvdEiRMxgdUvVSFbvVT25J (TX)
10.568840 from 4FDzbLndDW6gFYRr3FZ5puSR5KwTytfsXh (TX)

4ECvi1f1nV4YrEUsa1hTscRGeh7Z6EZpvq with 0.029900
4SN4SWQJ1GhXrgmQNrmshZLodbywhhzr9b with 147.000000

Received: 77.234336
Balance: 210.612396

77.234336 from 4Rrgw8WdiHCcuytrZbHwLTgiuDuFA7womS (TX)

4PVZkXSFaMLxjvdEiRMxgdUvVSFbvVT25J with 77.234336

Received: 133.378060
Balance: 133.378060

133.378060 from 4Rrgw8WdiHCcuytrZbHwLTgiuDuFA7womS (TX)

4PVZkXSFaMLxjvdEiRMxgdUvVSFbvVT25J with 133.378060

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg