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QR Code of address 4NJGigXz1guMeqbgxUDHh6a4JLvgGdrVbi

  Transactions list:

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Sent: 0.020665
Balance: 0.000000

0.020665 from 4NJGigXz1guMeqbgxUDHh6a4JLvgGdrVbi (TX)
28.074432 from 4EX8SfmMWikadnqELV2gwkqjxcrH5FZQrC (TX)
21.917499 from 4aJB7BXKdH6gM296fUAk3JxjtR9y26XZqs (TX)

4ST7QfnVwLfRwhBBaxUHGD1wU9QPh7Zd1B with 0.011596
4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg with 50.000000

Received: 0.020665
Balance: 0.020665

3.489305 from 4QKFvDEp4fpw7XYhjFDErEX6idm94g5z3g (TX)
12.912922 from 4J77szv7GTVk55813MTKjpX6FiN783QuAL (TX)
32.862942 from 4PZWviJpqqVJHSbXaQu37dKPpJ4CfhoQFW (TX)
248.557655 from 4PZWviJpqqVJHSbXaQu37dKPpJ4CfhoQFW (TX)
21.558655 from 4cwsniwR2zvkXVsWwqzWUjmUa2bVR72s8L (TX)
0.938001 from 4J3GKgKHhqKZpNUYtoVYVFbKZsK24U15Y3 (TX)
20.382608 from 4czRnVV73bge9rNzmoWVczqCTHHx3zA8oz (TX)
0.085661 from 4R13R6jydMWhsbF7UGz1cReXbaVojGusE8 (TX)
9.859000 from 4KbKZeBiW66ApUFyVnnauW85nM3jYaEawc (TX)
0.252109 from 4UXFdCA8TCusyX7om2P8XQsk7FYNrywHgd (TX)

4NJGigXz1guMeqbgxUDHh6a4JLvgGdrVbi with 0.020665
4N3L3gEzLVREDvkYGhp8v3grN3LBCz4ahb with 350.876193

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg