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QR Code of address 4Lt2jWziByJuE2pUUeSNAq4mqse4Q82p2x

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 0.083380
Balance: 0.000000

0.083380 from 4Lt2jWziByJuE2pUUeSNAq4mqse4Q82p2x (TX)
4.945000 from 4UYdEHNAEDxVVdKv9WkFXToLJMDzvzyP2b (TX)

4FUdhZtW5PrNLmXVoT8LS3jpXM5KhrbsAU with 0.029680
4Qmhw75ptemRWpuCYjkwdsoWjpy8XGqtjV with 4.997700

Received: 0.083380
Balance: 0.083380

0.129500 from 4G7TQPYZk5R898JqYYxYyo3LUPT7YoS6S9 (TX)
0.267186 from 4Evctmrqnq1yTEokBS3zkfFJdMM8gUGXFZ (TX)
10.195694 from 4RZcnHtvyKML2eczNCGob8GdaKzyg6WbnH (TX)
2.972000 from 4LLuK5aCnw3CM8GSEPvmK7iDmnJr6fhaNN (TX)

4Lt2jWziByJuE2pUUeSNAq4mqse4Q82p2x with 0.083380
4FSf9aSZZ7Z5aPsGMmfTE7eZQnNhMECXTd with 13.480000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg