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QR Code of address 4LozHuaqJvrjH4KurE9ohbm7cK5HQxi8Yh

  Transactions list:

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Sent: 717.063709
Balance: 0.000000

0.010030 from 4RqRm9PjNseYmcksnwG5Y1D5KWaUh7cSMv (TX)
5.258046 from 4NS83c8ndmWdWhv4iQdRhXEFHA5QGSNHc5 (TX)
8.679000 from 4bNn2qkPfFFnjt91wGZmZeVLayY72V27uN (TX)
7.334171 from 4ExP9D1ZzhTWn7oReLL3jM1TkMdXRdK7JG (TX)
7.385064 from 4Z5qmHvvpqBRDvDcFtcFXxuFivcGJYM5AE (TX)
7.371880 from 4Z5qmHvvpqBRDvDcFtcFXxuFivcGJYM5AE (TX)
717.063709 from 4LozHuaqJvrjH4KurE9ohbm7cK5HQxi8Yh (TX)

4SN4SWQJ1GhXrgmQNrmshZLodbywhhzr9b with 753.099900

Received: 717.063709
Balance: 717.063709

0.011094 from 4MnhQc6WDLcuaBccDyDT6aCPTkS7PFXBW1 (TX)
197.992468 from 4ViHoEdrAuVPQ8aquxd2bvNqGkXHd9Qjuo (TX)
213.758824 from 4b4pQjosCcivJhZNgPJUH8zV9jw15NPg4P (TX)
278.297519 from 4WAAHjYdyozzPcihdNGZT9rbZDUZ6SBuXz (TX)
150.900000 from 4Dz7QdYfz6zSKfdt4LdseJAgiM4ehrRTqj (TX)
171.592046 from 4Vz15z8E2TQxB9mNg9ddJHZhFyKi9ff3Lk (TX)
59.777902 from 4SgJ1Jbh6H9cQMkMyPbhGhZS8P53zxgcsE (TX)

4VoNxQGzp9v963UtJkExtHYrDk81a3acnM with 0.018757
4LozHuaqJvrjH4KurE9ohbm7cK5HQxi8Yh with 717.063709
4VwvyCCWGUz6m76jm2dTs2jvqmnyQe5SMt with 355.245387

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg