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QR Code of address 4LJphLrDvt157Ek2tzuNbwFdqFUgB3HqTZ

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 0.821314
Balance: 0.000000

0.775520 from 4QzBATHYbLp4XF4PZC5PPQb5gdoycK5L5V (TX)
0.793957 from 4LhBrppWQTCwNPGKF1taM7HU7RRPoxqbKC (TX)
0.402019 from 4Khtmg8dodmYZxkpTcKarEGy3Fj71zjvJG (TX)
0.821314 from 4LJphLrDvt157Ek2tzuNbwFdqFUgB3HqTZ (TX)
0.401368 from 4QzBATHYbLp4XF4PZC5PPQb5gdoycK5L5V (TX)
0.805131 from 4LTQpvunPnBM5WLJ9CrVEYSnnYRgTureWn (TX)
0.900000 from 4MbnY2h3WEPBRWVikwqzAEMEXUwFVVa5pC (TX)
0.781311 from 4Gcas4quagr2vYRLoTdEkUStLL6d9nmCBY (TX)
0.857124 from 4X9EwrUKN1tJm569Guh3qj1uLCrff2Hsm6 (TX)

4XMt1sRB1iJfF2Bo5XCJM7wx6hDTYnEmyX with 0.017744
4Vg4e9aJDVPuYpWYxh5sT6CWMfPRJWe9Vc with 6.500000

Received: 0.821314
Balance: 0.821314

315.000000 from 4HWPFcAvSnGCC6x3EJ1nkDfVghaQh1dHC8 (TX)

4HyRKWqQa36d7QNX6p8ihz1LBCwM6nG2LQ with 314.168686
4LJphLrDvt157Ek2tzuNbwFdqFUgB3HqTZ with 0.821314

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg