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QR Code of address 4HVKCR1PFBjy3MMTp64eouBGGVS5hRgjbx

  Transactions list:

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Sent: 149.562668
Balance: 0.000000

0.024966 from 4WUfc3QrWZkpzKZbSXdjFPnPhdCCEu7PyR (TX)
149.562668 from 4HVKCR1PFBjy3MMTp64eouBGGVS5hRgjbx (TX)
210.362000 from 4Zi5pwddMPtZmJkRL24EC8i7bhEade1eN1 (TX)
179.085862 from 4Zi5pwddMPtZmJkRL24EC8i7bhEade1eN1 (TX)
43.303332 from 4Ty2UVR9NtigfCed28vw8fAmjBDdFm8F2n (TX)
25.810000 from 4ZJXMxyuYjzBhAqkmGsQRS8gKL72wnQrjb (TX)
4.498000 from 4YsRwXbTuUYnT6wxk3UDvXkuvbNiDAppxC (TX)
28.409188 from 4aUFL2RE4h8vGurZi37uDsbUQu6bgzgfBt (TX)
1.334923 from 4Wcgrj7EYwFPigtgJUy4s2ra4TyEGsgTuS (TX)
16.840000 from 4U45nQbHS73cSyAh5BuJBaVxcfXb4CwJR6 (TX)
12.919626 from 4GQi6AUxsh9YwyQv3L7PFRoWCdnzYC4AH2 (TX)

4YbR1SbUXP4cSQzaLd3Th7vjzUMTT6NHB9 with 0.022927
4TxTPYPQbWJfh5Mbkh2qdw8TqxrmGv7m9J with 672.124638

Received: 149.562668
Balance: 149.562668

0.013188 from 4XUGXQ7PfaVQr4fUguhx3SupQfcjA7eQ6G (TX)
100.543425 from 4SS1AFF9KVvffxi8528R75eZn6jRkgVZed (TX)
27.232660 from 4PajT8DdHZwFpPnhrJkDtm6Fgs5CoAajMR (TX)
9.900000 from 4EDwBzfsSRT6Hc7Dx6Y9JogNkadHV7epX8 (TX)
9.831775 from 4YCkJ8jWsN7oybvypf12cuWZFu9ZeuEJj3 (TX)
2.054646 from 4YCkJ8jWsN7oybvypf12cuWZFu9ZeuEJj3 (TX)

4J1kBRXvr2VH5uVybWbyMdBtDqDVXxsBJM with 0.010026
4HVKCR1PFBjy3MMTp64eouBGGVS5hRgjbx with 149.562668

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg