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Total balance-10.096000
Current balance-10.096000
New coins 0.000000
Unspent outputs with CoinAge Statistics
QRCode of address | QRCode of link to address

QR Code of address 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
Show by: 50 100 150 200 250 or find by   ASCDESC
Generation: 4.700000
Balance: 66.195000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.700000

Sent: 4.720000
Balance: 61.495000

4.720000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.719000

Generation: 4.710000
Balance: 66.215000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.710000

Sent: 4.690000
Balance: 61.505000

4.690000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.689000

Generation: 4.710000
Balance: 66.195000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.710000

Generation: 4.720000
Balance: 61.485000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.720000

Generation: 4.750000
Balance: 56.765000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.750000

Generation: 4.750000
Balance: 52.015000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.750000

Generation: 4.730000
Balance: 47.265000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.730000

Generation: 4.730000
Balance: 42.535000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.730000

Sent: 4.640000
Balance: 37.805000

4.640000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.639000

Sent: 4.640000
Balance: 42.445000

4.640000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.639000

Generation: 4.735000
Balance: 47.085000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.735000

Sent: 9.310000
Balance: 42.350000

4.650000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)
4.660000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 9.309000

Generation: 4.730000
Balance: 51.660000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.730000

Sent: 4.650000
Balance: 46.930000

4.650000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.649000

Generation: 4.740000
Balance: 51.580000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.740000

Sent: 4.622000
Balance: 46.840000

4.622000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.621000

Sent: 4.592000
Balance: 51.462000

4.592000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.591000

Generation: 4.740000
Balance: 56.054000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.740000

Generation: 4.720000
Balance: 51.314000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.720000

Generation: 4.730000
Balance: 46.594000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.730000

Generation: 4.720000
Balance: 41.864000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.720000

Generation: 4.690000
Balance: 37.144000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.690000

Sent: 4.561000
Balance: 32.454000

4.561000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.560000

Sent: 4.580000
Balance: 37.015000

4.580000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.579000

Sent: 4.560000
Balance: 41.595000

4.560000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.559000

Sent: 9.120000
Balance: 46.155000

4.560000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)
4.560000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 9.119000

Generation: 4.640000
Balance: 55.275000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.640000

Sent: 4.550000
Balance: 50.635000

4.550000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.549000

Generation: 4.640000
Balance: 55.185000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.640000

Sent: 4.550000
Balance: 50.545000

4.550000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.549000

Sent: 4.580000
Balance: 55.095000

4.580000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.579000

Sent: 4.571000
Balance: 59.675000

4.571000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.570000

Sent: 4.561000
Balance: 64.246000

4.561000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.560000

Sent: 4.564000
Balance: 68.807000

4.564000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.563000

Sent: 4.560000
Balance: 73.371000

4.560000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.559000

Generation: 4.660000
Balance: 77.931000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.660000

Generation: 4.650000
Balance: 73.271000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.650000

Generation: 4.650000
Balance: 68.621000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.650000

Sent: 4.553000
Balance: 63.971000

4.553000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.552000

Generation: 4.622000
Balance: 68.524000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.622000

Sent: 4.563000
Balance: 63.902000

4.563000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.562000

Sent: 4.550000
Balance: 68.465000

4.550000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.549000

Sent: 4.550000
Balance: 73.015000

4.550000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.549000

Generation: 4.592000
Balance: 77.565000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.592000

Sent: 4.550000
Balance: 72.973000

4.550000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.549000

Sent: 4.500000
Balance: 77.523000

4.500000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.499000

Generation: 4.561000
Balance: 82.023000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.561000

Sent: 4.490000
Balance: 77.462000

4.490000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.489000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg