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Total balance-10.096000
Current balance-10.096000
New coins 0.000000
Unspent outputs with CoinAge Statistics
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QR Code of address 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
Show by: 50 100 150 200 250 or find by   ASCDESC
Sent: 4.520000
Balance: 81.952000

4.520000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.519000

Generation: 4.580000
Balance: 86.472000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.580000

Sent: 4.500000
Balance: 81.892000

4.500000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.499000

Sent: 4.534000
Balance: 86.392000

4.534000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.533000

Generation: 4.560000
Balance: 90.926000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.560000

Sent: 4.542000
Balance: 86.366000

4.542000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.541000

Generation: 4.560000
Balance: 90.908000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.560000

Sent: 4.550000
Balance: 86.348000

4.550000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.549000

Generation: 4.560000
Balance: 90.898000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.560000

Sent: 4.510000
Balance: 86.338000

4.510000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.509000

Generation: 4.550000
Balance: 90.848000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.550000

Generation: 4.550000
Balance: 86.298000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.550000

Sent: 4.462000
Balance: 81.748000

4.462000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.461000

Generation: 4.580000
Balance: 86.210000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.580000

Generation: 4.571000
Balance: 81.630000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.571000

Generation: 4.561000
Balance: 77.059000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.561000

Generation: 4.564000
Balance: 72.498000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.564000

Generation: 4.560000
Balance: 67.934000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.560000

Generation: 4.553000
Balance: 63.374000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.553000

Generation: 4.563000
Balance: 58.821000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.563000

Generation: 4.550000
Balance: 54.258000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.550000

Generation: 4.550000
Balance: 49.708000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.550000

Generation: 4.550000
Balance: 45.158000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.550000

Generation: 4.500000
Balance: 40.608000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.500000

Generation: 4.490000
Balance: 36.108000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.490000

Sent: 4.530000
Balance: 31.618000

4.530000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.529000

Generation: 4.520000
Balance: 36.148000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.520000

Sent: 4.540000
Balance: 31.628000

4.540000 from 4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf (TX)

4RduLwmcJyLW6W1qUZNa39aqB1mbcrw4Uu with 4.539000

Generation: 4.500000
Balance: 36.168000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.500000

Generation: 4.534000
Balance: 31.668000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.534000

Generation: 4.542000
Balance: 27.134000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.542000

Generation: 4.550000
Balance: 22.592000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.550000

Generation: 4.510000
Balance: 18.042000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.510000

Generation: 4.462000
Balance: 13.532000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.462000

Generation: 4.530000
Balance: 9.070000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.530000

Generation: 4.540000
Balance: 4.540000

No inputs (newly generated coins)

4FXCRqRV62LEAKgPG4HBrbxqCE5d1dPbPf with 4.540000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg