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QR Code of address 4DtRGi9oQr2Z2am36GqaYu7dj3EkBcEuic

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 0.045447
Balance: 0.000000

277.000000 from 4VikGmNuuQo6gzTcEzVyLmf9D8CMWX3Wgp (TX)
185.799300 from 4JdD7fHU1iBwbFAJbfjnitLy4viFPRXkhY (TX)
226.600000 from 4EJtQxuBUBNMygoA32q62a3GKM3uE1QNcF (TX)
149.985950 from 4PsyqRaWuo2oEYZBb3Ys7DpJytMzBGZcUB (TX)
310.607840 from 4H9sCHHTQbmWTJz6VYCnU1TMgQnWtMG3ez (TX)
0.045447 from 4DtRGi9oQr2Z2am36GqaYu7dj3EkBcEuic (TX)
0.010042 from 4EejKM1anFyWBZFNVnF5UZWJiMWYsBr5My (TX)
5.309053 from 4FJnrkVK89T3X2G86NV3g2hVu5MBQU1ViC (TX)

4J71cyQaUmgJV6GZu1Y5kss9Bdsk8YBFM8 with 0.010037
027e9769913d121893ebf779a8062c99afce278f8abfbb3100b4b478cc621c17a7 with 1155.345595

Received: 0.045447
Balance: 0.045447

23.000000 from 4TUWL8eTrPordSNcNkA4rwZqBVafDKPTZW (TX)
1.822447 from 4FJnrkVK89T3X2G86NV3g2hVu5MBQU1ViC (TX)
0.099000 from 4G3M7Kw7UXXbfvMRN46pGiXo1nZhd9JEU2 (TX)

4DtRGi9oQr2Z2am36GqaYu7dj3EkBcEuic with 0.045447
022a7e664ce338eca034b58d12b0f8360d750fa61e7fc7e0740103a9958eb394fa with 24.875000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg