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or transaction hash not less than 12 first characters

  Most recently mined blocks in the Novacoin block chain

HeightHashTypeAgeDifficultyTransactionsTotal OutBlock size
95077965395bbd5e435c75...PoS8 min15.4559832120.149300410
950778000000000020aecf...PoW14 min1536.26921617.360000219
9507778705912784343f96...PoS29 min15.5112713435.346900797
9507760000000000042af3...PoW41 min1552.96500517.350000219
950775cf1d021084b39560...PoS58 min15.5044482141.671600453
950774f690667cb8625f06...PoS1 hrs 5 min15.5544864348.9574001107
950773b49f26ef9bc19f7f...PoS1 hrs 32 min15.5522662201.552500409
950772490637196ed273f4...PoS1 hrs 41 min15.551747239.689800454
950771b5200b48abd196af...PoS1 hrs 51 min15.530009251.291000454
950770d3475730f5d65d73...PoS1 hrs 54 min15.519077247.646100410
9507690000000000189d82...PoW1 hrs 56 min1567.63400817.330000219
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Unconfirmed transactions
 (memory raw pool) API methods (new link)
Git mirror of Novacoin Project
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  Last transactions (with non-zero out)

HashAgeTotal OutTX size
1aaee322e04f2222...6 min28.909000535
460bff205dfe40ac...8 min120.149284180PoS Gen
e7011e5c53925bbd...14 min7.360000137PoW Gen
79652b8d40e19199...29 min269.857387224PoS Gen
705b8e3ba44d852a...37 min165.489472344
4e09d4f094b8a9f4...41 min7.350000137PoW Gen
5606bdaf0de7443f...58 min141.671579224PoS Gen
a4f15ff795e25fc4...1 hrs 5 min170.487059225PoS Gen
f97dcbf5d898bd22...1 hrs 10 min156.801325229
b3a9edd4e137efbe...1 hrs 23 min21.669000423
b8308bdffae80792...1 hrs 32 min201.552492180PoS Gen
9ef0e022c36d7bac...1 hrs 41 min39.689799225PoS Gen
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