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QR Code of address 4cjuRnr2y8LeHBQ7s73B36tqc3W7Javr5L

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 0.190000
Balance: 0.000000

0.390000 from 4Ye5oPJjfHUfUGfW3hRh9arzzWxAF6zKW5 (TX)
0.190000 from 4Ds9jufjNUfdrWKnxHE3w6KoECdJEqswKY (TX)
0.390000 from 4T57GCdCWqy1veft2ZZktpk6hAYgj8WHfH (TX)
0.190000 from 4ZyrndDWCyoiJxMPmJ7kbh5B6MgHJNN2qZ (TX)
0.190000 from 4cjuRnr2y8LeHBQ7s73B36tqc3W7Javr5L (TX)
0.390000 from 4JVkFywYkubHJTRYCiLgMaomXR8Rq3s9g8 (TX)

4HnGmmA8CKuLauirEn9b2WxctK62SVDhRG with 0.130000
4aAsTCcPwRDof7bgr3Z5YgXmgnGPfsojB6 with 1.600000

Received: 0.190000
Balance: 0.190000

0.200000 from 4aAsTCcPwRDof7bgr3Z5YgXmgnGPfsojB6 (TX)

4cjuRnr2y8LeHBQ7s73B36tqc3W7Javr5L with 0.190000

Sent: 2.060000
Balance: 0.000000

2.060000 from 4cjuRnr2y8LeHBQ7s73B36tqc3W7Javr5L (TX)

4R9Trt6QCNdiXtcR9Xw1GY4TDLVdNDR1DR with 1.950000
4aAsTCcPwRDof7bgr3Z5YgXmgnGPfsojB6 with 0.100000

Received: 2.060000
Balance: 2.060000

2.870000 from 4TXt7EqwhkUuLcA8CgGVeqjkPrR4S2AbiX (TX)

4cjuRnr2y8LeHBQ7s73B36tqc3W7Javr5L with 2.060000
4aAsTCcPwRDof7bgr3Z5YgXmgnGPfsojB6 with 0.800000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg