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Total balance0.000000
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New coins 0.000000
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QR Code of address 4ZpsA842GvM9m5d9msu9184sT7JfR6cMuZ

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 0.010000
Balance: 0.000000

0.010000 from 4SDxFwKtv2Ug3RTu7K6pg12ntCmAYYZTX8 (TX)
0.010000 from 4XMWLeM8J79WZ4HDN4scp92ck9mSAuuHyS (TX)
0.010000 from 4SEbVJvkv8VEgSaM1sCjtzyQHCr92u8Bjw (TX)
0.010000 from 4GXteHjxXg7t4EuivEXZwDkvEE7CQpYrvE (TX)
0.010000 from 4EuCggjgKHTinHJrNAHAX7uHabSLNXNDXc (TX)
0.010000 from 4FbEUwjkV5dKXRKCyrkUSSBZ1auSkxfPYz (TX)
0.010000 from 4RR4nVUzv7ZYPrYwKn7q1W7RqE6XaNmLEL (TX)
0.010000 from 4NTsJbpHyrhSbYCHRfgcLah8hCkB26r7dA (TX)
0.010000 from 4RMqg4hzmn4Tj3nWvko72tYwSnwDnfpJTr (TX)
0.010000 from 4SXqvDcRF4udZ5cKSbSu4iN5gAktSCxZYH (TX)
0.010000 from 4ZpsA842GvM9m5d9msu9184sT7JfR6cMuZ (TX)
0.010000 from 4EEuAv91BTa7oWKup8L4nqsvWEBxPFNwW7 (TX)
0.010000 from 4bFGDJTCgBXthtmRQ67sCb6X5WCvR9dNNP (TX)
0.010000 from 4N6AVWZgpQLeXmLWpchn1Gh6MyPpvz2o2X (TX)
0.010000 from 4SXqLTra39GAFyFqosQ4Ce3ggW9kARnQgc (TX)
0.010000 from 4cVn6szKYFF7fqq2WcWnPp3Q8FyWPjzVk2 (TX)
0.010000 from 4NcUaPb1QSt3kymcDgAD8Jad9ZWmejRh5w (TX)
0.010000 from 4EraXwH8F61mWHvXAkLFuZNLWkiAJTseo7 (TX)

4XdY8xAMehXEUYfxGrMwJbeSMq8jscJt7Q with 0.013811
4JZuRWJjECcT2f2nKBeY2wSEQa2tWuhYu4 with 0.136189

Received: 0.010000
Balance: 0.010000

1.000000 from 4YEhoGE7DWRNWVNUDHBABagsW6vUcBFRVr (TX)

4HoiGKsSiffEsKdyN8YmeTQjbFTG1escnc with 0.980000
4ZpsA842GvM9m5d9msu9184sT7JfR6cMuZ with 0.010000

Sent: 558.680000
Balance: 0.000000

558.680000 from 4ZpsA842GvM9m5d9msu9184sT7JfR6cMuZ (TX)

4N6AVWZgpQLeXmLWpchn1Gh6MyPpvz2o2X with 537.670000
4YjzfRRufGKP2US6BuCFLyzBuKSsT1uenR with 21.000000

Received: 558.680000
Balance: 558.680000

579.690000 from 4KYpusLuPY3qsYxaijXCTNKN5hpWbEoXoS (TX)

4ZpsA842GvM9m5d9msu9184sT7JfR6cMuZ with 558.680000
4YjzfRRufGKP2US6BuCFLyzBuKSsT1uenR with 21.000000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg