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QR Code of address 4ZFWfEG1XML3aXZbQ9dcVDrsiepJTD5cCr

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 5.016626
Balance: 0.000000

5.016626 from 4ZFWfEG1XML3aXZbQ9dcVDrsiepJTD5cCr (TX)

4NAQWXahFqXZ4XHBtw8yMd64ZvfPHMAw1T with 5.006626

Received: 5.016626
Balance: 5.016626

4.927070 from 4Xj4AtDGAk4rSGbdq9nUWzbqV9CjBKSGgD (TX)
0.693674 from 4RuJ9KMXDesjJeEjCC52pU8jqQeFdizWk2 (TX)

4PocXjbRmuM3U3bdSprb4eM21zNtL1pg5z with 0.594118
4ZFWfEG1XML3aXZbQ9dcVDrsiepJTD5cCr with 5.016626

Sent: 5.520470
Balance: 0.000000

5.520470 from 4ZFWfEG1XML3aXZbQ9dcVDrsiepJTD5cCr (TX)

4NAQWXahFqXZ4XHBtw8yMd64ZvfPHMAw1T with 5.510470

Received: 5.520470
Balance: 5.520470

13.070000 from 4U7wacvb4UmnJpWkJaqNZ8Md8cSYRs8C7m (TX)

4Xek9NGm35N1iUZMVoDViYVB5ZiwuWvvyF with 7.539530
4ZFWfEG1XML3aXZbQ9dcVDrsiepJTD5cCr with 5.520470

Sent: 29.690061
Balance: 0.000000

14.449253 from 4ZFWfEG1XML3aXZbQ9dcVDrsiepJTD5cCr (TX)
3.058111 from 4ZFWfEG1XML3aXZbQ9dcVDrsiepJTD5cCr (TX)
5.672863 from 4ZFWfEG1XML3aXZbQ9dcVDrsiepJTD5cCr (TX)
6.509834 from 4ZFWfEG1XML3aXZbQ9dcVDrsiepJTD5cCr (TX)

4NAQWXahFqXZ4XHBtw8yMd64ZvfPHMAw1T with 29.680061

Received: 5.672863
Balance: 29.690061

13.513106 from 4MYN31vcmNtBfTbJzcLMxAKW9tUfzLn3as (TX)

4PShUJbir7NBYcdxbNp9pq1LMzVfrgk9Up with 7.830243
4ZFWfEG1XML3aXZbQ9dcVDrsiepJTD5cCr with 5.672863

Received: 14.449253
Balance: 24.017198

13.175753 from 4Kz7dTDiiEPZmEnzbHDGVBFDNRrThwkSRu (TX)
8.608652 from 4QuGCYPdQVkGawv1s3ahZsqy2ZmuY8QQD4 (TX)

4U7WX3BnZwPduiCBYE5SgjcvTk5skgbe2k with 7.325152
4ZFWfEG1XML3aXZbQ9dcVDrsiepJTD5cCr with 14.449253

Received: 6.509834
Balance: 9.567945

501.700338 from 4bp468qhs4HktqmscU6xTGp7siT2KHsqTx (TX)

4HpNptXyP8XWop6xbsg56pCoXQJztz78WS with 495.180504
4ZFWfEG1XML3aXZbQ9dcVDrsiepJTD5cCr with 6.509834

Received: 3.058111
Balance: 3.058111

32.110947 from 4PP8YpLbZ1p9o9cpiBpR2xiHHNQG7x2m9y (TX)

4JWE9UVTzYxCo9a71EY3JRCUCrUY7vGWgu with 29.042836
4ZFWfEG1XML3aXZbQ9dcVDrsiepJTD5cCr with 3.058111

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg