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QR Code of address 4SGp8vshdzPgpnvmHJY5z6cR9dgLgiiZiM

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 0.010000
Balance: 0.000000

0.050000 from 4GYjVA5ZqZ2XKKJGKAtT9YGAEga1ZZYLyR (TX)
0.050000 from 4YjzfRRufGKP2US6BuCFLyzBuKSsT1uenR (TX)
0.050000 from 4YjzfRRufGKP2US6BuCFLyzBuKSsT1uenR (TX)
0.050000 from 4VUHMk7nqCkrBekDanpikPzGAM9JkAms4T (TX)
0.050000 from 4GYjVA5ZqZ2XKKJGKAtT9YGAEga1ZZYLyR (TX)
0.050000 from 4ZNT1ftYubC1xgwLqEEEWZNowa5ZVTYHbH (TX)
0.050000 from 4ZNT1ftYubC1xgwLqEEEWZNowa5ZVTYHbH (TX)
0.050000 from 4GYjVA5ZqZ2XKKJGKAtT9YGAEga1ZZYLyR (TX)
0.050000 from 4VUHMk7nqCkrBekDanpikPzGAM9JkAms4T (TX)
0.010000 from 4F2kaGLUGr4K3arNqm62AshwPunr1Gyazr (TX)
0.010000 from 4SGp8vshdzPgpnvmHJY5z6cR9dgLgiiZiM (TX)
0.960000 from 4W1HZHKtCa5C9GL25pbZUaqsQMEu1eRAPf (TX)
0.960000 from 4LZYmPUGTNuHB9WZ3mwCyRpPHr5QPJCwwx (TX)
16.700000 from 4a26o7BMt5hxN3a38atPxMdPrge34FJvVr (TX)
3.880000 from 4TdGWzieWVXYzGbMLcgRZ2A5AwbU5nFkek (TX)
3.880000 from 4UNvh6GStsMVsRu9uHrsXgdAZ2n3wrcfFR (TX)
1.180000 from 4R6rn9Dbh3CLRHgj6Ff7s4VDJ7VSgVeXaE (TX)

4YGjdCsbdeCjTA5yFNi7AjWu2of621GEGS with 0.010000
4XTpAA9zZGwdwcdt8xwzjmEVF9LS9877s6 with 27.990000

Received: 0.010000
Balance: 0.010000

0.030000 from 4Lpduw34efyX8Kvn9JJo2BTVT4gayHQ5Mh (TX)

4SGp8vshdzPgpnvmHJY5z6cR9dgLgiiZiM with 0.010000
4G8NxcNyafoRLsAwhiitdEfyDExoUwCKNe with 0.010000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg