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Total balance0.000000
Current balance0.000000
New coins 0.000000
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QR Code of address 4R4Nznv2B8LutwraGHqkeiHghZAu3Z3EEu

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 3.190000
Balance: 0.000000

3.190000 from 4R4Nznv2B8LutwraGHqkeiHghZAu3Z3EEu (TX)

4QyqfctjqVCMEUUcynG5KtxeGQrvYJVAcm with 2.780000
4PjVR1rbZeN8SbQ2QpCDKeUynoekRGiRhY with 0.400000

Received: 3.190000
Balance: 3.190000

3.200000 from 4aAsTCcPwRDof7bgr3Z5YgXmgnGPfsojB6 (TX)

4R4Nznv2B8LutwraGHqkeiHghZAu3Z3EEu with 3.190000

Sent: 0.050000
Balance: 0.000000

0.050000 from 4R4Nznv2B8LutwraGHqkeiHghZAu3Z3EEu (TX)
0.010000 from 4Nb2NdxWjMrUib2MQZwNqQGRpGz9jZYGUv (TX)
0.010000 from 4H2kQxA4kSNa4egBLh851x6gU1mb6y9wMD (TX)
0.160000 from 4RsWGEvKXvArNq6dhmtdJ2MTcgZNmTQq3R (TX)
1.380000 from 4Xou56ph8X66GBtkXYbR1xWqGFJzhRzo2a (TX)
0.010000 from 4YDQeUaattqBfnqg1v42aj9rEpvuP3pCVd (TX)

4Rp9Y9rqoM1JUXxiuZuruH53Ji4bwFEM7d with 0.010000
4aAsTCcPwRDof7bgr3Z5YgXmgnGPfsojB6 with 1.600000

Received: 0.050000
Balance: 0.050000

0.280000 from 4WpjF7PHxVr1q8nVSTdYZmDsxEDjQnCSgm (TX)
0.180000 from 4MxbhK6un6iYYcVdBMJ82bmmpN4GmyKXHb (TX)

4R4Nznv2B8LutwraGHqkeiHghZAu3Z3EEu with 0.050000
4PjVR1rbZeN8SbQ2QpCDKeUynoekRGiRhY with 0.400000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg