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Total balance0.000000
Current balance0.000000
New coins 0.000000
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QR Code of address 4LGXAuDvrMrAz7bdN9TVXxgSQKoRfZ3oG3

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 0.010000
Balance: 0.000000

0.010000 from 4JGfPsdvmEeDnSUGj9HREawY4KA9jkjNje (TX)
0.010000 from 4LGXAuDvrMrAz7bdN9TVXxgSQKoRfZ3oG3 (TX)
0.010000 from 4EnKMBoaCUKBapMbuLoyp5zyMEeKxQnki2 (TX)
1.990000 from 4ENhmVoW5gLB3nssnthfA9RpNoc37AKC75 (TX)

4EzdW7ukAkY3m1vaMJJtwUiKEDunKg14x6 with 0.010000
4VUHMk7nqCkrBekDanpikPzGAM9JkAms4T with 2.000000

Received: 0.010000
Balance: 0.010000

0.050000 from 4GYjVA5ZqZ2XKKJGKAtT9YGAEga1ZZYLyR (TX)

4HxhC8SXfELzAK9CEyJTnZ5yCdFSrdn5Nv with 0.030000
4LGXAuDvrMrAz7bdN9TVXxgSQKoRfZ3oG3 with 0.010000

Sent: 0.390000
Balance: 0.000000

0.390000 from 4LGXAuDvrMrAz7bdN9TVXxgSQKoRfZ3oG3 (TX)
0.390000 from 4PttxgXbcuWJo2TyxG7t3Rjob63M9i53sf (TX)

4Q6reQL53odVMvWfFe4uU83LzDuZ5u4cDD with 0.270000
4YjzfRRufGKP2US6BuCFLyzBuKSsT1uenR with 0.500000

Received: 0.390000
Balance: 0.390000

0.400000 from 4ZNT1ftYubC1xgwLqEEEWZNowa5ZVTYHbH (TX)

4LGXAuDvrMrAz7bdN9TVXxgSQKoRfZ3oG3 with 0.390000

Sent: 1.590000
Balance: 0.000000

1.590000 from 4LGXAuDvrMrAz7bdN9TVXxgSQKoRfZ3oG3 (TX)

4HRgf4mK8csA8PhT55A6XKdYBJWec8oH8j with 1.380000
4ZNT1ftYubC1xgwLqEEEWZNowa5ZVTYHbH with 0.200000

Received: 1.590000
Balance: 1.590000

1.600000 from 4YjzfRRufGKP2US6BuCFLyzBuKSsT1uenR (TX)

4LGXAuDvrMrAz7bdN9TVXxgSQKoRfZ3oG3 with 1.590000

Sent: 6.110000
Balance: 0.000000

6.110000 from 4LGXAuDvrMrAz7bdN9TVXxgSQKoRfZ3oG3 (TX)

4N7wjSHJLxSNR5sF7fTfqChd94XFAs9F1H with 5.300000
4YjzfRRufGKP2US6BuCFLyzBuKSsT1uenR with 0.800000

Received: 6.110000
Balance: 6.110000

6.220000 from 4d2aAGDpeDPvpcC2dnBM3z5KpmHRyXuSjD (TX)

4LGXAuDvrMrAz7bdN9TVXxgSQKoRfZ3oG3 with 6.110000
4VUHMk7nqCkrBekDanpikPzGAM9JkAms4T with 0.100000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg