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Total balance0.000000
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New coins 0.000000
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QR Code of address 4JKqX1NNFaoJLxnTgnqYs9ndkYJs15B2NH

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 0.010000
Balance: 0.000000

0.010000 from 4JCuGXAmdnYNC52gsLRgAVHb77ho1QzezP (TX)
0.010000 from 4aA6Y1YzSLf1bTxwixGecxfSm3RqZ1J8mP (TX)
0.010000 from 4L5UKeRs8SBCCYB4qhgFciF1c6qG5eriUB (TX)
0.010000 from 4JKqX1NNFaoJLxnTgnqYs9ndkYJs15B2NH (TX)
0.010000 from 4MxYBCKc6SGKqbzzhkviTdXrc3LK3qDNrw (TX)
0.010000 from 4PU4WFgSTUXjpii7iUBSXGdk12e5Q6ji99 (TX)
0.010000 from 4FqP9YognjfvTsbNDn8CnpjR4dZwz2Qhxy (TX)
0.010000 from 4MrHdVcwKbYkpfBZW3kTNHTDiR2SSue63q (TX)

4cCDJjLFY9Jambv1DognKaKee5ARrsWuNg with 0.010000
4GYjVA5ZqZ2XKKJGKAtT9YGAEga1ZZYLyR with 0.050000

Received: 0.010000
Balance: 0.010000

0.040000 from 4MtPTYovUDfy9U9eebLYwNpgdUDHoHJyUU (TX)

4FhVRCbKUX7kEY2qZADjQhkkqcCTmvoswH with 0.020000
4JKqX1NNFaoJLxnTgnqYs9ndkYJs15B2NH with 0.010000

Sent: 1.659900
Balance: 0.000000

1.659900 from 4JKqX1NNFaoJLxnTgnqYs9ndkYJs15B2NH (TX)

4YaD9bgNHgVBdXGbPKS6SwLzeG4dFZQdFG with 1.549900
4YjzfRRufGKP2US6BuCFLyzBuKSsT1uenR with 0.100000

Received: 1.659900
Balance: 1.659900

2.069900 from 4WfM6rAajG2EuUjuxk1NyMzLLmhqkbA4wV (TX)

4JKqX1NNFaoJLxnTgnqYs9ndkYJs15B2NH with 1.659900
4ZNT1ftYubC1xgwLqEEEWZNowa5ZVTYHbH with 0.400000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg