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Total balance0.000000
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New coins 0.000000
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QR Code of address 4FtHhdFyFH7guA9XPFuGozHrmn4ok121N3

  Transactions list:

    Simple mode
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Sent: 0.130000
Balance: 0.000000

0.130000 from 4FC36myp7K6BwHXdCAFAzQKBEcPQPZw18z (TX)
0.130000 from 4FtHhdFyFH7guA9XPFuGozHrmn4ok121N3 (TX)

4T5x9hpQz5cqb9mKNpefgx67j9g1C1GQWg with 0.110000
4PjVR1rbZeN8SbQ2QpCDKeUynoekRGiRhY with 0.140000

Received: 0.130000
Balance: 0.130000

0.140000 from 4PjVR1rbZeN8SbQ2QpCDKeUynoekRGiRhY (TX)

4FtHhdFyFH7guA9XPFuGozHrmn4ok121N3 with 0.130000

Sent: 17.910000
Balance: 0.000000

17.910000 from 4FtHhdFyFH7guA9XPFuGozHrmn4ok121N3 (TX)

4XepQaJ69PkWpa9cnb4WrpkmMfngaZKaVt with 17.830000
4aAsTCcPwRDof7bgr3Z5YgXmgnGPfsojB6 with 0.070000

Received: 17.910000
Balance: 17.910000

0.800000 from 4aAsTCcPwRDof7bgr3Z5YgXmgnGPfsojB6 (TX)
1.000000 from 4VUHMk7nqCkrBekDanpikPzGAM9JkAms4T (TX)
0.100000 from 4aAsTCcPwRDof7bgr3Z5YgXmgnGPfsojB6 (TX)
16.000000 from 4VUHMk7nqCkrBekDanpikPzGAM9JkAms4T (TX)
0.020000 from 4ZWrPgTAmer3jj3DEPp91KHdYnP5omYtcV (TX)
0.010000 from 4E2W1144SPKzB6ePpBgQJ2QFikz8eShYwB (TX)

4MdaBvVc4kxmXs6gdSgH46AFmrRTbeCfTE with 0.010000
4FtHhdFyFH7guA9XPFuGozHrmn4ok121N3 with 17.910000

Sent: 8.650000
Balance: 0.000000

8.650000 from 4FtHhdFyFH7guA9XPFuGozHrmn4ok121N3 (TX)
2.150000 from 4XN42yiF6GzfbpKewwVHZzFS8CXgUW2DoD (TX)

4G3S9ZufrFVuP4mEXGtNAaBWDVZUS5KFRD with 1.830000
4PjVR1rbZeN8SbQ2QpCDKeUynoekRGiRhY with 8.960000

Received: 8.650000
Balance: 8.650000

8.800000 from 4aMYFEeDxyuRxmrxmrVjKLwGEE4f3UCyBq (TX)

4FtHhdFyFH7guA9XPFuGozHrmn4ok121N3 with 8.650000
4aAsTCcPwRDof7bgr3Z5YgXmgnGPfsojB6 with 0.140000

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For donations: 4ZLoY6T8wXKgrbZM9gL8fQt48NUzGo2yAg